Episode 130: The Healing Power of Being an Empath with Dr. Judith Orloff

What is an empath, different types, gifts, and what are the neuroscience findings? How can empaths stop absorbing the emotions and physical symptoms of others and develop self-protection techniques so we can enjoy the gifts of sensitivity? Why are empaths misdiagnosed with sensory processing disorder, major depression, and panic attacks? What is the correct diagnosis? Plus more! Listen now!

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Episode 125: Living Unshackled: How Self-Awareness, Self-Compassion, and Imperfect Action Will Walk You to Greater Freedom with Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui

As we deepen our roots of self-awareness and self-compassion and learn to take imperfect action toward building a life and world we want to live in, our inner critic grows quieter, we become rooted and resilient, and we realize that as HSP’s we are gifted, needed, and very much on-purpose.

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