An impromptu chat and question and answer session!
Read MoreAs highly sensitive people sometimes life can be very challenging when we have intensely difficult feelings. I hope this meditation supports you through hard moments.
Read MoreEnjoy your trip to the ocean with me taking in all the wonderful sensory experiences in this meditation.
Read MoreEnjoy time in the forest connecting to nature and relaxing.
Read MoreLearning how to give yourself what you needed as a child can be a powerful healing practice that can transform your life. In this episode we explore the concept of caring for, getting to know and connecting with your inner child.
Read MoreWhat a beautiful community of HSPs we have in our Sensitive Empowerment Community! Thank you for all the wonderful live questions. We started out discussing the post: Anguish and Action: Be the Change. Supporting ourselves through intense emotions so we can be our best selves to listen, learn, and grow to be the change we need in the world.
Read MoreBeing a deep feeler in the world can sometimes be difficult when we have intensely strong emotions. I hope this meditation supports you and calms you.
Read MoreFollowing a previous episode about self-compassion, the powerful technique for managing our feelings, we turn our attention to the power of validation. As high sensory people, we can often get overly affected by other people's opinions and expectations of us. So much so we can even lose track of a sense of meaning in our lives and the very reason nature has given us this powerful trait. We’ll discuss tools and techniques to stay connected to our own sense of self, our purpose, and ultimately our own happiness and fulfillment.
Read MoreHSPs are some of the kindest, most compassionate people in the world, toward others, and yet It’s common for HSPs to have a lot of negative self-talk and lack healthy self-compassion. This can be particularly damaging during times of high stress when we need to be a compassionate, caring friend to support ourselves through intense emotions. We will talk about how this brain-training skill development of self-compassion can improve every aspect of our life and even help us through a global crisis.
Read MoreEmotional wounding needs care just as much as physical wounding does, especially for highly sensitive people who can feel things so deeply. This emotional healing meditation will help you to become more relaxed and at peace.
Read MoreRecognizing core beliefs can be pivotal to developing confidence and high self-esteem as a Highly Sensitive or “High Sensory intelligent” person. We often feel so strongly about the injustices in the world, it can upset us deeply when our core beliefs are challenged. Or if we witness someone causing harm in a context that we are particularly passionate about. It is very common for us to feel very strongly about the change we know we can make in a particular area. Understanding this at a deep level can bring enormous clarity into the importance of our place in the world, the deeper meaning of our lives, and personal empowerment.
Read MoreAfter working with highly sensitive people as well as high sensation seeking HSPs I have learned important information that may help you feel better if you’re experiencing depression, low mode, or low energy.
Read MoreHighly sensitive people (HSPs) have a very caring and giving nature. However, sometimes we over-give to the point of being targets to people with toxic or narcissistic tendencies causing an imbalanced, unhealthy dynamic. We’ll talk about the ways that contribute to that dynamic. Almost every HSP I’ve ever spoken to has a story about an unhealthy friendship or relationship. We will talk about why this can be common and what we can do about it and how to create the healthy friendships and relationships that you deserve.
Read MoreMichael Smith, Ph.D., of Empath Connection helps you understand the big picture on the planet and connect with your Divine Essence. You'll understand the evolutionary advantages of your sensitivity trait, and how you can harness this trait to be used to help others. He shares a meditation and some vagus nerve hacks that calm the system. You'll come away with more trust in the changes that are happening around you, and learn to trust your intuition instead of doubting it. You will also learn several effective energy techniques that you can use in your own daily 'self-first' practice of rituals that allow you to stay centered, grounded, and fully empowered.
Read MoreHere are some tips to support you and your sensitive system while working at home right now. I provide tools to help you reduce stress, maintain focus, and work more efficiently. I share tips when doing video meetings, how to care for your eyes, and your overall sensory sensitivity and create a workspace that works for you.
Read MoreLearn simple, embodied tools that HSPs can use to calm their nervous system while staying centered and connected to their core selves even when the world is chaotic and uncertain. Discover how to discharge stored stress so it doesn't build up in your body and cause physical, mental, and emotional health issues down the road.
Read MoreOur experience growing up as High Sensory or “Highly sensitive” children. Feeling too sensitive, trying to change ourselves to fit in makes us lose who we are. The need to stop believing thoughts of self-criticism and self-rejection. The need to let go of toxic relationships. Supporting our pathway back to claiming our true sense of self, meaning, and happiness.
Read MoreHighly sensitive people (HSPs) can do specific things that help support the balance of our sensitive nervous system. Sensory processing sensitivity means that we often experience sensory overload and experience the world differently. Understanding your sensitive system is one of the best things you can do for yourself. We can truly thrive in the world and access our many gifts!
Read MoreWhenever you feel depleted or irritable you may enjoy listening to this guided meditation. I encourage you to save this meditation and come back to it whenever you need it.
Read MoreWillow and I talk about how this trait evolved as a survival strategy of the population and the valuable gifts of the sensitive are needed now more than ever. Learn all the ways highly sensitive people (HSPs) are valuable and needed.
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