Listen to Your Body and Read Your Energy

Did you make plans when you were full of energy and now as the time approaches you’re not? It’s ok to change your plans and in fact, it’s important to listen to your body and if your energy is telling you it feels like being internal, go and be internal. You can increase your energy flow and who you are around and what environments you are in can also impact your energy.

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Sensitive Leadership

I believe we need more HSPs in leadership roles, where laws and policies, and decisions are made, and HSP voices can be heard. I believe HSPs care deeply about protecting the earth, doing what is right and ethical, and protecting those in need. I also believe we need more sensitive people innovating and creating. I think about how amazing it could be if sensitive people were honored in all the places they are needed.

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Julie BjellandComment
The Healing Power of Being an Empath with Dr. Judith Orloff

What is an empath, different types, gifts, and what are the neuroscience findings? How can empaths stop absorbing the emotions and physical symptoms of others and develop self-protection techniques so we can enjoy the gifts of sensitivity? Why are empaths misdiagnosed with sensory processing disorder, major depression, and panic attacks? What is the correct diagnosis? Plus more! Watch now!

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What Does Sensory Overload Feel Like for a Highly Sensitive Person?

Learn what sensory overload feels like for a highly sensitive person. Understanding how sensitive people might experience more activation of the fight/flight system is the first step toward supporting our sensitive systems and reducing overload and anxiety. Read more about the limbic system and tools that can re-train your brain to be calm.

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Why HSP Healers Often Struggle Financially

I truly believe the world can benefit from the gifts of the sensitive. Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are needed in the world, now more than ever. It’s my mission to help HSP healers thrive to their fullest potential. Let’s explore why so many gifted HSP healers struggle financially and what can help!

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Julie BjellandComment
The Value of the Highly Sensitive Person in the Workplace: On the Leaders and Managers Hub Podcast

Highly sensitive people bring so much value to the workplace, to teams, and as an overall benefit to the company. All HSPs should listen to this episode where I am interviewed about the value of HSPs. You will find this episode incredibly validating and make you feel good about what you offer! Managers and leaders will benefit from knowing how to utilize the gifts of sensitivity in your companies too!

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Julie BjellandComment
The Power of Nutrition and Functional Medicine for Supporting HSPs with Anxiety and Depression with Anastasia Smith

Have you ever wondered how what you eat can impact brain structure and function? Are you curious to know what, if any role diet plays in mood? Research shows that factors such as our blood sugar levels, nutrient deficiencies and gut microbiome imbalances can all play pivotal roles in our experience of mental health. Join us to learn about the nutrients that are essential to keeping the brain and the nervous system happy, as well as how to balance neurotransmitters.

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